October 6, 2024
  JACKSON – There is a painted sign on the wall of the Memorial High School Field House that reads, “Through These Doors Walk Champions” and it will take that team spirit to revive the aged building.   The team however will be made up of township officials and volunteer groups who are raising funds The post Renovating Athletic Facilities Will Be Team Effort appeared first on Jersey Shore Online.

  JACKSON – There is a painted sign on the wall of the Memorial High School Field House that reads, “Through These Doors Walk Champions” and it will take that team spirit to revive the aged building.

  The team however will be made up of township officials and volunteer groups who are raising funds to renovate school facilities that are in bad condition.

  Mayor Michael Reina, the Township Council, the Board of Education, Jackson Education Foundation, Department of Public Works, fire and police departments, and a number of dedicated residents are working to enhance the community’s sports facilities at the high school.

  With the school district’s ongoing financial struggles from the reductions of state aid through the S-2 state aid funding formula in the last several years, capital projects like the Jackson Memorial High School’s Locker Room, Field House, and concession stand haven’t been focused on and are in desperate need of repair and replacement.

Lockers at the Jackson Memorial High School Field House are among the items in need of repair and replacement. (Photo courtesy Jackson Schools)

  At a kick-off event at Memorial High School, Board of Education President Giuseppe Palmeri said the facility has been in disarray for some time.

  “Basically, we are trying to raise some money and help out the kids. Jackson is suffering right now so we need everyone to come together and do what we can for the community,” Mayor Michael Reina said.

  Superintendent of Schools Nicole Pormilli said given the district’s budget crisis due to the loss of $22.4 million in state aid over the past seven years, projects like this would never be possible without the township taking the lead and finding ways to make it happen.

  “This is a wonderful example of this town’s commitment to putting students first,’’ she said. “We are so grateful to the Township, Board of Education, Jackson Education Foundation and the members of this community for collaborating and giving their time, energy or donation support to this effort,” Pormilli said.

  Junior Harold Mee, who as a member of the football and track teams for Jackson Memorial, has spent his fair share of time in the field house and locker room, said the renovations will be a welcome improvement that the students will appreciate.

  “We are big on tradition, so as nice as it would be to be in the same fieldhouse as the amazing athletes who came out of our school, walking into a nicer environment would make us all feel even better about being there,” Mee said. “The tradition is still going to stay there, we are just going to be able to do it in a better looking style.”

The Jackson Memorial High School Field House is in need of restoration and a township effort to raise money to renovate athletic facilities is underway. (Photo courtesy Jackson Schools)

  Ishmal Thompson, who is also a junior on the football and track teams, said they are grateful the community is trying to come together to help them and to preserve a part of the athletic history of the school.

  “There’s a lot of guys who came through that locker room before us, a lot of history, a lot of people who hit that Jaguar as they walk out the door together,” Thompson added. “We are happy (that) people are working together to keep giving us that great feeling when we walk out that door.’’

  School Board Vice President Tina Kas, who also serves as president of the Jackson Education Foundation, said, “we built the Foundation to be able to help the school district and all 10 schools and we are proud to be part of this particular project.”

  “We are collaborating with the township, the mayor and council and all the other advocacy groups in the town,” she added.

  Council President Jennifer Kuhn noted that the building is turning 60 years old this year. “The showers are all exposed and the building is old. Not all of the water works. The locker rooms are falling apart. We want to keep the kids spirits high and help update their facility.”

  Football Coach Vincent Mistretta said, “we have a nice building here but over the years without routine maintenance and without money being put into this, things get older and need updating. Our kids work very hard and they want a space to call their own and call their home. It just isn’t updated and it needs a little bit of work.”

  Councilman Nino Borrelli said he learned about the recent fundraiser and collaborative effort to upgrade Jackson Memorial High School’s athletic facilities online and shared the information and personally contributed money to the effort.

  “It’s nice to see the town come together to help out as our township public schools experience drastic cuts in state aid again this year,” Borrelli added.

  School District Business Administrator Daniel Baginski said, “I’m proud to work with the community to improve the facility. The budget has been very difficult this year so any assistance we can get will be a huge benefit to the school district.”

This old wall stands as bit of history of the Jackson Memorial High School sports program. (Photo courtesy Jackson Schools)

  Councilman Mordechai Burnstein said, “for athletes to be successful they need a nice surrounding to relax and a place to prepare and to come after the game.”

  “Change is necessary with the building that we have here. We want better conditions for the kids,” Football Coach Keith Anderson said. “We have a lot of pride in the community and this school and all the sports programs.”

  The group is seeking community volunteers and corporate sponsors to help upgrade the aging facility inside and out. Financial donations are being sought from local businesses, alumni, and residents to complete the renovations. These contributions will serve to enhance facility quality and improve experiences for athletes, fans, and members of the community.

Sponsors Sought

  Several sponsorship levels have been established. Bronze is $750 which includes mention in local press releases and on social media platforms. Your company’s logo will be on a banner at the renovation site.

  The Silver level is $1,500 and features benefits of Bronze Sponsorship plus a framed Certificate of Appreciation.

  The Gold level is $3,000 and includes the benefits of bronze and silver sponsorship along with your/company name on a plaque prominently displayed at the renovated facility and special acknowledgment during the unveiling ceremony.

  The organizers of the campaign stressed that any amount is appreciated and all contributors names will also be noted through mention by officials at Township Council and Board of Education public meetings that are live streamed, featured on websites, posted to social media and covered by The Jackson Times.

  For updates and information on how to support this effort visit jacksonsd.org/JEF

The post Renovating Athletic Facilities Will Be Team Effort appeared first on Jersey Shore Online.