September 21, 2024
  JACKSON – Township Councilman Scott Sargent has proposed dumping the municipal trash container ordinance that had been approved last year.   “In keeping in the tradition of representing all the residents of Jackson I would like to see the ordinance for the dumpster repealed,” Sargent said during a recent Township Council meeting.   “If The post Councilman Wants To Trash Jackson’s Dumpster Ordinance appeared first on Jersey Shore Online.

  JACKSON – Township Councilman Scott Sargent has proposed dumping the municipal trash container ordinance that had been approved last year.

  “In keeping in the tradition of representing all the residents of Jackson I would like to see the ordinance for the dumpster repealed,” Sargent said during a recent Township Council meeting.

  “If you look at your gas bill, your electric bill, your food bill, all the bills that you have that come into your house every single year, every single month, every single day, you can see a significant rise to many, many things out of your control,” he added.

  Sargent said, “the one thing we don’t need is an additional tax here in Jackson on a dumpster. When you do something like that, a resident could then put their garbage in the back yard and wait for the Public Works Department to come around the following spring to pick up your garbage.”

  “That is an undue burden on the Public Works Department and an undue burden on the taxpayers of Jackson. I would ask that the council president review that,” the councilman added.

Kudos to Assemblyman Sauickie

  During that same meeting, Council Vice President Steve Chisholm thanked 12th District Assemblyman Alex Sauickie, a former Jackson councilman, on a few pieces of legislation, “to address some of the warehouse development, not just in Jackson but around the state. Some of you have noticed a lot of towns have been complaining about it, especially if you are near a highway.”

  “Whether it is 195, the Turnpike, the Parkway – wherever there is access to get trucks on and off. It is putting extra stress on those roadways and in residential communities,” Chisholm added.

  Chisholm said Assemblyman Sauickie was “also developing another one dealing with state planning divisions to model ordinances that can be used by municipalities for their master plans.”

  “He is also working with the Department of Community Affairs to have a module for warehouse and high-density development and training courses for these officials so I’m glad to see he is doing good things in Trenton and keeping up the good work he did here for us in Jackson,” the Council Vice President said.

  In other business, a resolution was approved that continued a shared services/mutual aid agreement between Jackson and Millstone townships pertaining to conflict-of-interest emergency coverage for construction code enforcement services.

  A resolution was also passed for the appointment of Acuity as affordable housing administrative agent and housing rehabilitation program administrator services.

  Integra Realty Resources was approved in another resolution to perform appraisal services for the township.

The post Councilman Wants To Trash Jackson’s Dumpster Ordinance appeared first on Jersey Shore Online.