February 23, 2025
  LAKEHURST – Although Lakehurst is one of two towns in the county where cannabis products can be sold, the mayor and council recently moved to prohibit the consumption or possession of open containers of cannabis in public places.   Additionally, no one within the Borough can consume any cannabis product in any public or The post Smoking Banned At Lakehurst Public Properties appeared first on Jersey Shore Online.

  LAKEHURST – Although Lakehurst is one of two towns in the county where cannabis products can be sold, the mayor and council recently moved to prohibit the consumption or possession of open containers of cannabis in public places.

  Additionally, no one within the Borough can consume any cannabis product in any public or quasi-public place or public building. Smoking is prohibited within or on all property owned by the Borough except as otherwise designated.

  That includes electronic smoking devices that can be used to deliver nicotine or other substances to the person inhaling from the device, including, but not limited to, an electronic cigarette, cigar, cigarillo, or pipe.

  Lakehurst’s public facilities covered under the ordinance include the entire buildings and grounds of the Borough Hall, Police Department, Public Works building, Lake Horicon beach, park and picnic area, Harold Fuccile Sports Complex, Lakehurst Community Center, Lakehurst Historical Society Museum, all public property, and the grounds of the public schools.

  Council President Steven Oglesby pointed out during a council meeting that “we have ashtrays outside the building here (at the Lakehurst Community Center) so people will be outside to smoke. Will that apply to rentals (of the Center) as well? If so, we need to get rid of the ashtrays and make sure it is clearly understood that there is no smoking even in the parking lots.”

  Councilwoman Bernadette Dugan said that under public facilities “it says the Community Center but when you rent it, does it not become a public facility?”

  “It is still a public facility,” Borough Attorney Ian Goldman replied.

  Oglesby noted that smoking areas may be designated in vehicle parking areas outside of the public property and buildings covered by within the ordinance. “We’d have to designate it.”

  “Usually, smoking ordinances involve public locations, such as schools, things of that nature,” Goldman added.

  “This includes the beach and everything. That’s good,” Dugan said.

  The ordinance also outlines signage specifically designating smoking areas. Except for those specified areas, no smoking shall be permitted in any area of borough-owned property or any areas immediately outside and adjacent to the public building, structure, public works facility, parking lot, open space, park, or recreation area.

  Signage will be clearly and conspicuously posted by the Borough at all public properties and shall reference the applicable code provision herein. Provisions of the ordinance will be enforced by police, public works, or building department employees and anyone violating the provisions are subject to a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $200 for each violation.

  A person found guilty of a second or subsequent offense shall be subject to a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $500. Those found guilty of defacing or removing “No Smoking” signs will face a fine between $200 and $500, plus the costs of replacing the sign.

  During that council meeting resolutions were passed regarding the 2023 Community Development Block Grant funding application, authorizing preparation of bid specification for the 2023 NJDOT-funded Pine Street and Union Avenue Reconstruction project, authorizing a contract with Jobs 4 Blue for coordination of off-duty employment of police officers.

  The governing body also approved resolutions to hire Brenda Duffy as alternate crossing guard and appointing Jeff Emmons and Robert W. Robinson III as a Class IV members of the Land Use Board.

The post Smoking Banned At Lakehurst Public Properties appeared first on Jersey Shore Online.