October 16, 2024
  STAFFORD – Three candidates are vying to become Stafford’s next mayor: Barbara Crystal, Jessica DiMaria, and Bob Henken. The mayoral candidates completed answers to a series of questions to help voters make their decision by November 5. Their responses were limited to a specified word count and any editing approved prior to publication.   The post Stafford Mayoral Candidates Sound Off appeared first on Jersey Shore Online.

  STAFFORD – Three candidates are vying to become Stafford’s next mayor: Barbara Crystal, Jessica DiMaria, and Bob Henken. The mayoral candidates completed answers to a series of questions to help voters make their decision by November 5. Their responses were limited to a specified word count and any editing approved prior to publication.

  In-person early voting runs from October 26 through November 3, 2024, and mail-in ballots, already available, must be returned by Election Day. 

  Barbara Crystal leads the Democratic ticket, joined by Lisa Bennett, Ellyn Hill, Moira Krier, Dennis Carleen, Erik Tramontana, and Wendy McClure, all seeking council seats.

  Jessica DiMaria, an independent Republican running under the banner Ind-Voice for All, does not have running mates for the open council positions.

  Bob Henken heads the Republican team, a mix of incumbents and newcomers. His running mates for council include Amy Otte, Lisa Mower, Owen LaRocca, Christopher DarConte, Sergio Fossa, and Steven Esposito.

  Answers from the mayoral candidates in alphabetical order:

Barbara Crystal – Democrat

  “As mayor, my three top priorities for Stafford will be to make our township more affordable, better serve our residents, and preserve Stafford’s assets and natural resources.

  “I’m alarmed that Stafford Township’s debt increased 35% from $56 million in 2019 to $75 million in 2023. As mayor and as part of the Stafford United & Strong team, I will systematically evaluate all bond ordinances and resolutions based on their need, priority, plan, and cost, determining whether they can be reduced, deferred, eliminated, or funded. 

  “Eliminating unnecessary spending and borrowing will undoubtedly lower taxes, making Stafford Township more affordable. The economic welfare of our residents will be a primary factor in all fiscal decisions.

  “As mayor, I will ensure Stafford operates with greater transparency and accountability, actively listening to and responding to our residents’ concerns. Town council meeting agendas will feature detailed explanations of proposed bond ordinances and resolutions. I will introduce a public comment period before the motion to adopt the consent agenda, which often consists of 25-35 items. This change will allow residents to ask questions, share their thoughts, and participate in the decision-making process.

Barbara Crystal – Democrat

  “Additionally, I will host monthly “Coffee with the Council” sessions, where members of the governing body can hear residents’ concerns and address issues effectively. All Stafford Township residents will be welcome to attend and express their thoughts and requests. Discussion topics can include public safety, neighborhood issues, business concerns, township finances, and suggested services to improve our community. Stafford will become a township whose municipal government is truly of the people, by the people, and for the people.

  “Township recreational and service programs will be continued and enhanced. Improvements in posting and sharing information that is vital to our seniors, need to be made in the township website, phone listing and publications. Expanding recreational activity offerings for older children and teens would allow a higher percentage of them to participate in more positive and healthy pastimes. When my daughters were younger, there was a skate park and an accessible community pool in Ocean Acres. Our population has almost reached 30,000. Young people and families would benefit from a wider array of township activities.

  “Protecting our natural resources is critical for Stafford’s welfare, economic condition, and resilience. Environmentally based programs and education will empower residents to understand and become involved in conserving Stafford’s natural assets. I will work to properly fund the Resilient Stafford Action Plan, maintain the township’s stormwater systems, and support the Emergency Management System and first responders.

  “As mayor, I will always be dedicated to the welfare of our township and our residents. Please see staffordunitedstrong.com for further information.

Jessica DiMaria – Independent Republican

  “If elected Mayor of Stafford Township, my top priorities will focus on empowering residents, enhancing transparency, and fostering community engagement. In my first year, I plan to take concrete steps toward these goals.

  “First, I will work to save taxpayers from further debt by cutting unnecessary spending. Establishing an open government will allow Stafford residents to have a voice through public referendums on any expenditure exceeding $1 million. I believe that transparency in financial decisions is crucial for rebuilding trust in our local government.

  “To further drive costs down, I plan to initiate shared services with neighboring towns. This collaborative approach will allow us to share equipment, licenses, and personnel, significantly reducing expenses for all involved municipalities and benefiting taxpayers.

  “I also intend to provide our public works employees with better incentives through advanced education and fair compensation. By utilizing qualified in-house technicians, we can complete essential work while saving taxpayers money compared to outsourcing these tasks. This strategy ensures that we invest in our employees while maintaining fiscal responsibility.

  “Flooding and contamination have become pressing concerns in our community. I will prioritize creating an improved drainage plan and restoring our wetlands. By proactively addressing these issues, we can safeguard Stafford residents’ health and property. I am committed to securing grants and resources to fund these initiatives without burdening taxpayers, especially considering the mismanagement by the current administration.

Jessica DiMaria – Independent Republican

  “Our youth population is growing rapidly, and it’s essential to offer diverse recreational opportunities that cater to all interests. I will work to provide programs for skateboarding, roller skating, swimming, and other activities, ensuring inclusivity for everyone, including our active seniors.

  “Supporting local businesses is another priority for me. I plan to create a social media platform to promote our local enterprises, encouraging community engagement and enhancing economic growth. I’d like to see a business district created where Stafford Township is not implementing a set to fail approach based on new business ordinances or astronomical fees. Small businesses are vital to our community, and I will advocate for incentives that help them thrive while reviewing unnecessary permits and fees that stifle growth.

  “Moreover, I aim to sever the ties that local power players, like Carl Block and George Gilmore, have over our township. It’s time for a change, and I will prioritize the residents’ interests over personal agendas.

  “I believe in recognizing past leaders, like John Spodofora, who have faced undue criticism. Their contributions must be acknowledged to foster a more honest political narrative.

  “In closing, I am ready to be a fearless leader for Stafford Township, committed to transparency, inclusivity, and proactive governance. Together, we can create a brighter future for all residents.

Bob Henken: The Stafford Republicans

  “I was elected as a Councilman in 2019, and currently serve as Stafford’s interim mayor. Together with my running mates for council, our priorities center on ensuring safety for our residents, effectively managing our town, and making long-term infrastructure improvements.

  “Unlike my opponents, I am able to share results based on the record that has been established since I first took office. Stafford Township has earned recognition for good management and governance. Notably, we cleaned up over 186 acres of Manahawkin Bay, the largest waterway cleanup in New Jersey, and helped raise homes in flood-prone areas through FEMA grants.

  “Our improved bond ratings help finance future capital projects. Sustainable Jersey recently selected our Township to announce a grant in October, showcasing our efforts, including achieving Silver Level Designation in Sustainable Jersey and Safe Routes to School.

  “We also participate in the Mayor’s Wellness Campaign, emphasizing healthy lifestyles through programs for seniors, mental health awareness, and inclusive playgrounds. Only 17 municipalities in New Jersey hold the Healthy Town designation, highlighting our commitment to community wellness. Currently, we are developing a passive park around Forecastle Basin for accessible recreation and constructing an outdoor fitness center at Nautilus Park through a $50,000 grant.

  “As the next mayor, I recognize the need for planning and efficient management practices that will lead to further opportunities and partnerships with outside agencies.

Bob Henken: The Stafford Republicans

  “Collaboration is vital. Organizations like Rutgers University, the NJ Department of Environmental Protection, and local community groups have partnered with us to enhance Stafford’s quality of life. Each community within Stafford – Bonnet Island, Cedar Bonnet Island, Mud City, and others – has unique qualities that we address through tailored plans.

  “I have prioritized long-term infrastructure improvements since 2019, addressing sewer, stormwater, parks, and roads that had long been neglected. Since then, we have developed several strategic plans, including a Sustainability Management Plan and updated the Natural Resource Inventory, ensuring Stafford is prepared for future challenges.

  “In the past five years, we’ve successfully secured grants to support these initiatives, including:

Neptune Basin Expansion ($4.4 million)

NJDEP Natural Climate Solutions grant for rebuilding Popular Point (approximately $5 million)

Safe Routes to School ($1.5 million)

Stafford Branch Library assistance ($5 million)

Flood Mitigation Assistance grants ($1.9 million)

Completed major projects include the Beach Haven West Sewer rehabilitation, improving water quality for over 186 acres, and upgrading parks and playgrounds across the Township. We prioritize road repairs based on ratings to address the worst conditions first. We’ve done all this by keeping the tax rate stable and one of the lowest in the state by aggressively pursuing grant programs and will continue to do so.

  As we set both short- and long-term goals, our plans are adaptable. Effective leadership requires responsiveness to new information. I am excited about Stafford’s future and look forward to serving our wonderful residents.

The post Stafford Mayoral Candidates Sound Off appeared first on Jersey Shore Online.